Friday, October 11, 2019

1st Friday in October.

Crisp mornings, cool but mostly sunny days, and turning leaves are the sure-fire signs of fall! I can’t believe it’s October. Where did the year go? Granted, mine was caught up in non-ordinary things, like spending time in a hospital and having surgery twice. And taking care of my husband who had surgery three times. But beyond that? We’ve visited with family, been all over the area with my husband’s sister, and thoroughly enjoyed the precious resources we have in this area.

One of the traditional events in Crescent City is the annual Sea Cruise in October. For three days, owners bring cars of all types, mostly vintage, to drive through our streets, display at Beachfront Park, and to perform burnouts to thrill the public. They also have a parade as the evening is about to wind down, which people line up all over Crescent City to watch. The weather was stellar and the music very good.

Crescent City Downtown Divas’ First Friday Event presents a monthly venue of artisans, music, and ways to get to know local businesses, with a highlight on businesses owned by women. This one month each year, they partner up with Sea Cruise, so it makes it double-fun for the community and for visitors.

I was invited to participate and a fellow writer came with me. I don’t have his permission to share his name, but I did post our pictures from the event.

It was a special night for me, because I was able to add my new book, Grace Without Grace Stumbling into Romance, to my table! 

Then on Saturday, it was back to the local Farmers’ Market, and it was a beautiful day. It was just as exciting to have the new book on sale there. I’ll be back the remaining three Saturdays of October, after which the Market closes for the year (barring bad weather, of course--books don’t like rain.). I’m looking forward to watching the days change, and I also look forward to rainy days that give me an excuse to write and long winter nights where I can cuddle up in a blanket with my favorite book.

Before we know it, Christmas will be here!

Hope all is fantastic in your part of the world. Thank you for sharing a part of it with me by visiting my blog. Happy reading!

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Blog Tour for Grace Without Grace, Stumbling into Romance

Just past the halfway mark on the Blog Tour with Loving the and Grace Without Grace, Stumbling into Romance. Lots of good comments and bloggers from all over the world! 

I did have one moment of sadness when I found Amazon made a mistake on my delivery date for the paperbacks. I take the books to book signings, and here, locally, to the Farmer's Market on Saturdays. 

I was supposed to have the first order on Monday, but they let me know that the delivery date was posted in error. It's next Monday, September 16th. 

That means that I won't have them for the Market until Saturday, September 21st. But it works, right? 

I hope to see my local friends and fans then, or any time through the end of October when the Market ends.

Meanwhile, tune in to the Tour! See what's going on.

Here's the latest blog, Beautiful Blessings 86. It's one of many lovely blogs that have posted this last week.

Just click the link below, enter the contest it you'd like, and then follow the link to Lovingthebook and click on conversation. It should take you to all of the other blog posts.

Crescent City with my sister-in-law in August/September

I meant to put this in a week ago, but we had one heck of a week after the cover reveal day.

My sister-in-law came to visit from Southern California, and with only a week for her to get to know our Wild Rivers' Coast area, we had to hustle to see everything she was dying to see--and we were dying to show her.

Around us is some of the most pristine forest in the world, a cold rain forest, but it is a rain forest, some of the most rugged (and in our case undammed) rivers in the country, and the most spectular coastline.

So here a few picks!

Battery Point Lighthouse--still working and manned 24/7.
On the beat just before crossing over to the lighthouse. It was foggy at this time, but the gray beyond the bushes is the ocean.
Beautiful vista from near Endert's Beach south of Crescent City.

A gorgeous road through Trees of Mystery in Klamath California
From the Gondola at Trees/Mysery.

Again from the Gondola, and if there wasn't fog, you'd see the ocean in the far distance. Still breathtaking, right?
Sister in law couldn't get over how big, beautiful and unique these toppled giants' roots were. 

Monday, August 26, 2019

Cover Reveal for the new book!

This is it!

The official Cover Reveal Day!

It's here! My new book cover! If you click on the "Contemporary Romance" tab above,  you'll see it again and learn more about the book! Let me know what you think!

Check out Lovingthebook's website and enter the drawing.…/grace-without-grace-stumble-…

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Book Tour Invitation

Here's the online Book Tour invitation. 
It's going to be lots of fun. Please join us.

Grace Without Grace, Stumbling into Romance 
by Susan Tietjen 
Tour sponsored by:

Image may contain: text

Sep 6 at 9 AM – Sep 12 at 9 PM

 · Hosted by Loving the Book



Sign up to review and/or feature this book on your own site:

Or to attend, click the link:

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Progress on my new book, my fuchsia garden, and kudos to my 92 year old father.

Progress can be really cool! I'm so excited. I've worked hard to put the finishing touches on my next romance novel. If you've clicked the "new book" tab, you've already learned a little bit about it. In fact, if you've seen it and then come back, you won't see "new tab," you'll see Contemporary Romance instead. And inside is...

The title: Grace Without Grace Stumbling Into Romance. (Poor clumsy Grace.)

Now for the exciting stuff! REAL DATES!

The Cover Reveal is set for August 26th! The book will be ready for pre-orders on Amazon that day.

The full release date for the book with Amazon is September 6th. Awesome, right? I can hardly wait. I'm so excited to see if everyone loves reading the book as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Everyone on my newsletter should get the info, so be sure your name is on the list.

If you're reading this, you have my blog info, but for friends you'd like to share this with, the address is

Tune in again soon to see what else has happened. You never know. Life is full of twists and turns, isn't it?

I do have a couple more pictures I'd love to share. First: some of the flowers my amazing fuchsias have produced. Aren't they beautiful? Nature just amazes me.

Second: My father's is quite a man. He's lived a long time, seen a lot of things. His mind is sharp, even if he can't move as quickly as he used to. He had an admirable career, inventing jet engines and their parts, etc., for the United States Air Force. I'm not allowed to share some of what he did because then he'd have to kill me to protect national security. LOL. He drives a red camaro, reads his Kindle every day, can cruise the web with the best of us, and still has quite a mind. He amazes me. We just celebrated his 92nd birthday recently. It was so fun. Congrats, Dad! 
Love you for always. 


This man reminds me that people aren't useless just because they've got a few years under their belts. There are people half his age who don't think clearly, so aging isn't an excuse for discounting opinions, ideas, or needs. Respect for older generations has been an earmark of a good society for thousands of years. Failing to do so has heralded the fall of nations, too. We need to keep that in mind.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Hand crocheted thread tablecloth. It took Best of Show!

In the evenings, when I've had enough of the day, my husband and I join my father in the living room to watch a couple of his favorite shows or a movie with him. I have a bad habit of wanting to munch my way through the evening, so many, many years ago I took up crocheting and knitting to keep my hands busy and away from food and my mouth.

As I mentioned in the previous post, August is Fair month here in Crescent City, like it is in most areas of the country. I decided to participate this year and spent several months finishing a project I started some time ago. 

My mother used to crochet items with thread and gave me a couple of beautiful tablecloths that I used until we wore them out. I have a long table that is way too long for regular tablecloths when we put the leaves in, so I decided I’d make a tablecloth of my own. I am excellent at crocheting and even better at knitting, but my experience is with yarn, not thread, so this was a challenge and it was a tough pattern. I really do only work on my projects a little bit here and there, so it took me about a year to finish.

Anyway, I’ll let the pictures speak for themselves as to how it did in the Del Norte County Fair. Needless to say, I’m busting buttons. AND, now that I've got that done, I'll get more evening projects going when I get around to it, but I'm glad to put it aside for a while so that I can go back to writing. 

And now for my announcement...

My new book's cover reveal is just around the corner! The title, in case you're as excited to know about it as I am to mention it, is Grace Without Grace Stumbling into Romance.

Poor Grace. She's so clumsy, awkward, even cursed. Or so she thinks she is. She's been made fun of all her life, but she had one bright, shining moment in her senior year of high school when she thought the guy she'd been head-over-heels for since she was too young to remember was showing her a lot of interest. Then he did something that hurt Grace, and since then, she's refused to speak to him. 

Imagine being invited to a work-vacation with his sister--her best friend--only to find Rick there. Grace wants to take Hannah's car and leave but discovers she's forgotten her driver's license. What is she supposed to do?

Join my newsletter, and I'll get the info on the cover reveal date as soon as I have it! Thanks for dropping by.


Farmers Market at the Marina 8/3/2019

I have an announcement here, so hang tight. I'll get to it in a minute. 

Recently, I’ve been really blessed by being able to join a couple of friends at the Del Norte County Farmer’s Market on Saturdays. (I don't have permission to use other people's names, so I'm just referring to them as friends. I'm even cautious about that with family. I love people but I don't trust everyone, and I'm sure you all get it.)

The friend who's sponsoring our table is called “The Bag Lady.” She's really well known around here. She makes and sells bags, awesome, cute adorable, and even custom-made bags. Since California insists we bring our own bags to the store or buy plastic ones at the store that are biodegradable, everyone needs at least a few bags, so thus, voilà: The Bag Lady! LOL. 

Anyway, the other member of our threesome is a fantastic photographer. I don’t have any place to hang pictures or I’d buy a handful of them myself. 

Normally the Market meets at the County Fairgrounds, but Saturday, Aug 3, was Fair time, so the Market met at the Crescent City Marina. What a fun place for it! I loved it! I wish we could have it there all the time, and I'm not the only one who feels that way. 

And you should see the view we had from our spot. Can't beat that, right?

What am I doing there? I’m selling my books, of course. You can see them on the right hand side of the table above. And YES! My announcement is that I have a new one coming out soon! The cover reveal will take place in a couple of weeks. Sign up for my newsletter, and I'll send the notice out as soon as I have the date set.

Our biggest excursion in 2019. From Crescent city to Lancaster, CA, to Riverside, CA to San Tan Valley, AZ!

Among our special events this year, Richard had eye surgeries. Cataracts. To add to my "woes," I’m having them done in September. I actually look forward to it, sort of. Another thing to interfere with writing, but a necessary evil. I've fought the problems with my eyesight that cataracts can cause for way too long. Rich had such great success with fixing his that I look forward to better vision. Unfortunately Rich has to have another surgery next month for a problem with one of his tear ducts, and that will take us out of town to the specialist again--with me driving (it's a five hour round trip from our coastal home in the forest), and then taking care of him for a day or so while he recuperates. He'll be off work for a week, and I have a hard time writing when he's home. I love him, but he can be pest. Sorry, babe, but that's the truth. (Hugs and kisses!)

I'd barely gotten home from Indiana and had to turn right around, feeling weak and all, and go to Arizona to wish our grandson Daniel Tietjen well on his mission to Mexico for our church. I didn't really feel up to it but would never have missed the moment, so I'm sure it added to the challenges I've had with recovering. At least Rich drove and I was able to sleep a lot on the drive there and back. Also, it's a bun-busting trip from Northern California to Arizona, so on our way, we stayed two nights with my oldest daughter and enjoyed visiting, catching up, and playing with her crazy puppies, Sawyer and Lucy. Yeah, not a great picture here. Rich caught it before I'd even gotten my shower for the day, so I look pretty scroungy, but hey, what's a little honesty between friends? My daughter hates having her picture taken, so unfortunately I didn't get to share any. Love to you, Sweetie, for opening your home up to us. We really appreciated it.

We also stayed with Richard’s sister for a night, and she gave us the grand tour in Riverside. We even got to go with her and her grandsons to see the famous Riverside Mission Inn, and I just had to put a few pictures here. Isn't it a fascinating place? It isn't an old Spanish mission, a misconception for a lot of tourists. It is and always has been an upper-class hotel. I believe it was managed by Catholic priests and nuns, but it wasn't a church. It was awesome and awe inspiring. We were so grateful to Richard's sister and loved the home that she bought several years ago. It's just beautiful and she's done so much to make it really comfortable. 

We finally arrived in San Tan Valley, AZ and stayed for three days. We have 8 kids between us--and 22 grandchildren--and it was great to visit with our second oldest son and his family. He has 8 children, too, and it was crazy, hugging and loving them, enjoying and playing with grandchildren from ages eighteen to two, five boys and three girls. My daughter-in-law is one of the most patient women I've ever known, pretty necessary with that many children, and we felt welcomed and loved.

Of all the things that Richard insisted we do there, beyond spending time with Daniel before he heads off to Mexico, of course, was getting a three generation picture of the Tietjen men. It was pretty awesome. Love you guys.

June was quiet and I did my best resting and getting better then, even got some writing done. Finally July came, kind of cool and really windy for us, and at the end of the month, we celebrated Richard’s getting REALLY old birthday. I won't say which one. He's just really old. I'm not. I'll never cop to being old. Well-seasoned maybe, perhaps more experienced, but not old.

Isn't that the way it's supposed to be? 

May in Indiana with my daughter Shillawna. So pretty! Loved seeing the Ohio River for the first time, despite the "cred."

In May, I traveled back to Indiana to see my next-to-youngest daughter and her family. I haven't seen them since the baby was six weeks old and it was nearing that little girl's fourth birthday. We live so far apart it's really hard to travel very often, and I was just dying to see all of them, especially the baby. I would love to say I had a great time, but unfortunately, I got very ill and wound up in the hospital. I even avoided a lot of hugs because I didn’t want to share. Sniff. It was so sad.

I did get a few pictures of the Newburgh/ Evansville, Indiana area, including the Ohio River. It reminds me a lot of the "muddy Mississippi!" That's a barge in the distance. Like all the large waterways, the Ohio is still being used as a means of transporting goods. 

 My daughter is a pro photographer and, just before I got sick, had a photo shoot in the Azalea Path Arboretum and Botanical Gardens in Evansville. I had the joy of babysitting the little one while she and her partner photographed a pro model for an online magazine called Engaged. What a beautiful place, what a beautiful model. The pictures ended up being in an article in the center of the magazine and one of the pictures made the cover! 

I was blessed to meet and talk to the model and snapped a quick picture while my pro-daughter set up the scene for her photos. I also caught my granddaughter and her best friend, the partner's little girl, playing hide and seek under a plant I've never seen before but is big enough to ride. They were having just way too much fun. Afterward, we went to lunch at the restaurant where those delicious cookies the model is holding were made. RZ Cafe also has a bakery and makes wedding cakes, cookies, and all those yummies for weddings and special occasions. The shoot was in part to advertise for them. We got to eat some of them after the photographers were done. What a wonderful way to spoil lunch. 

When I finally got out of the hospital, my daughter was able to take me around and show me some of her part of Indiana. It was beautiful! What an awesome world we live in. It was really fun for me, because I love to do genealogy, and my grandfather's family came from Tippecanoe. Now I can visualize where they lived. I was so grateful for my daughter and son-in-law's hospitality, and the three kids are adorable. They’ve grown like weeds, the way children do, and I loved getting to know more about what's going on in their lives, like playing the piano, loving sports, Pokemon, horses, and Barbie dolls. Love to my kiddos. You light up my life!

Now as to writing? I picked up a ton of ideas while I was out there, but I was so ill I didn't have the strength to write much of anything, even while I was bedridden. After I got home, I had recovery time, which meant a lot of visits to the doctor and lots and lots of sleep. Even today, I'm still struggling with an electrolyte imbalance that keeps me tired. My doctor has no idea why my body isn't responding like it should, but I'm relieved to say that I'm finally getting back to normal daily routine--and writing!

My end of summer garden 2019. I was so happy with it this year.

Can you believe summer is almost over? I don’t know about all of you, but I had the weirdest, wildest spring and summer ever. According to the natives here, our small area has a wide range of weather patterns, even within a mile or two from wherever you are right now. 

As for us, it’s been mostly winter. LOL. I mean it. I think it’s the coldest, foggiest summer of my life. My neighbors a mile away wouldn't agree, but for us, it was hard to grow my flowers. Everything got black spot, mildew and bugs. Yuck. I nearly lost my mom’s roses and although the war rages on, I’ve at least made progress. I’m still not sure about the new ones I planted, though. 

I did plant gladioli this year and they’ve been amazing. I’ve grown them almost everywhere I’ve lived since Rich and I married, and I’ve never seen them grow so tall. It must be the climate here. Everything that can take the moisture and coolness grows better than average. My garden is a refuge for me, and I love to settle into it and think, write, imagine. I hate weeding--who loves it?--but I need the opportunity to clear my head and make sense of life.

In my spare time--Oh, who am I kidding? I don't have any spare time. I love hummingbirds and met a sweet lady who grows fuchsias because she wants to attract the hummingbirds. So... I’m learning to grow fuchsias and I'm now feeding hummingbirds. I became a member of the Crescent City Fuchsia Club a year ago and am doing my best to figure this amazing flower out. Here are a few pictures of those that are flowering! I’m so excited about them. 

My next couple of posts will explain more about what I mean about this being a weird, wild spring/ summer year. Life rarely turns out the way we expect it to, and I've struggled to get to the computer. I'm determined, though, and am delighted to mention that I'm close to releasing another book!