Friday, May 28, 2021

March 2021


This year has flown by so quickly. I’ve managed to do some writing but still struggling with balancing what little time I can get with so many other demands. 

For one thing, arthritis has destroyed my wrists. I need surgery. I love knitting and crocheting, but that and typing are starting to wear on me, and my specialist has sent me for tests out the wazoo. Waiting to make the decision about what’s next.  

Meanwhile, we’ve had to do a bunch of house repairs and our washer died. I really liked the one I picked. Hope it performs as well as they say it does. 

Top of the Line Kenmore. Love the lid, and it has an agitator, which I prefer and which is getting popular again. 

Another trip to one our favorite haunts was in order, so we headed over to Jedediah Smith River and took a few pictures. It still makes us want to pinch ourselves at being able to live here. 

We'd had some storms and the river was high! Beautiful with lingering fog and scattered clouds.

My outside flowers are starting to wake up, but I LOVE what my inside ones have given me. I have two orchids, and both are in full bloom. What a joyful thing to realize that this person, me, who has no idea how to garden or grow things, has managed to meet the needs of dozens of flowers, trees, and bushes and enjoyed how my garden grows. 

White Orchid, small plant and small blossoms.

Purple orchid I rescued from Grocery Outlet. Has she rewarded me. Big plant, huge blossoms.

I’ve also learned some new ways to plan meals. So glad for the Covid rest-from-reality time to work on it. I have a very particular, picky diet, so I have to plan and plan and plan for meals. I use the “Paprika” program for accessing my recipes on my devices, and I absolutely adore my Instant Pot pressure cooker. Ever used either of them? I recommend them. It will save you a ton of work, especially if you work during the day and want to come home to either an easy meal to toss in the Instant Pot (and there are other brands that are good, too), or set the Pot to slow cook. Either way it is so great. And no, I don’t work for either Paprika or Instant Pot, I don’t have any financial connection to them, and they haven’t paid me to advertise for them. The picture of my Pot is with a soup of my own I’d created, and it was great.

Yum Yum! Took about 30 minutes start to finish, and we loved it.


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